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Property Buyers

People intending to buy property in the next 12 months

Meet Jason and Michelle

Aspiring real estate tycoons.

For Jason and Michelle, property investment has become more than sound financial planning, more of a hobby, possibly an obsession. Every spare moment is dedicated to calculating the value of their portfolio, the rental yields from tenants and their current loan capacity.

Jason is a discerning buyer, he reads a lot of property listings so he can separate the wheat from the chaff. Jason is open to renovations if he can buy a fixer-upper quickly then offload it at a profit. They outsource the labour though, every day the property is not generating rent is wasted.

Jason and Michelle aren’t just buyers, they’re sellers as well. They are looking for a long-term relationship with their real estate agent. They’re open to new builds or older constructions, residential or commercial; whatever delivers the highest yield.

"We need high yield properties to pay off our interest payments."

Key Statistics

Total Audience

Print Audience

Digital Audience



Average household income


Read news last 7 days (print and/or digital)


Used internet last 7 days


Don’t read metro newspapers

SOURCE: Roy Morgan Single Source, Apr 23 – Mar 24, P14+.