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Digital Ad Specifications

Best practice specifications for digital advertisements.

Digital Ad Specifications Overview

These digital specifications are to assist with the preparation, creation and supply of digital files for advertising use. We reserve the right to request artwork to be resupplied if it does not meet ACM specifications.

Material supply and deadlines

Digital campaigns need to be supplied 5 days before the go live date.

  • Rich Media: Always needs to be built through RMC. Submitted into RMC 3 days before the go live date to allow for 2 day turnaround time.
  • Supplied artwork: Supplied artwork needs to be supplied 3 days out for generic campaigns along with URL and booking numbers. This does not apply for Rich Media builds see above.
  • Generic digital creatives or campaigns: For artwork being built through RMC and automatically uploaded into GAM, the deadlines are still governed by RMC and when the campaign is to start.
  • Social display: Social Media link to be supplied 3 days prior to go live date for the creative to be built.
  • Repeat requests: 2 days prior to go live date.

Please see below for specifications by ad type.

Digital Ad Unit Overview

AD Unit Name
Max File Size


300px W x 250px D

Static: 80kb max HMTL: 100kb max

3 Business days prior

Half Page

300px W x 600px D Dual Ad slot + 300px W x 250px D MREC to be supplied for mobile view

Static: 80kb max HMTL: 100kb max

3 Business days prior


728px W x 90px D

Static: 80kb max HMTL: 100kb max

3 Business days prior

Gutters – AgTrader site only

125px W x 700px D each

Static: 80kb max

5 Business days prior


970px W x 250px D

Static: 80kb max HMTL: 100kb max

5 Business days prior

Mobile Banner

320px W x 50px D

Static: 80kb max HMTL: 100kb max

5 Business days prior

*SVG & WebFonts are not supported at this time


Half Page




Mobile Banner

Only applicable to Buyouts for AgTrader are booked in 7 day blocks and consist of leaderboard, mrec, mobile banner and static gutters.

Gutters can only be used as part of a buyout and are static only. Please supply creative for gutters on a 1420×700 Gutter Template.

PLEASE NOTE: if creative has a border it will bleed into the billboard, to compensate, supply billboard built in the gutter template and sent as one file.

HTML5 Ad Specifications Notes

A HTML5 Standard banner is defined as a basic banner with single click through with contained behaviour. Anything beyond this is considered Rich HTML5.

Max File Size includes all ad assets such as HTML, CSS, JS & images. Shared libraries that are hosted by approved 3rd Party Vendors are not included in the Max File Size. Contact your vendor representative for a list of supported libraries.

A backup image is required to display for unsupported environments, such as older versions of IE.

Maxfile size 150KB shared library files.

Approved HTML5 Ad host vendors

Google DoubleClick

Recommended HTML5 Development Tools

Google Web Designer

HTML5 Recommendations

• It’s recommended that additional content such as CSS, JS, images, etc, be politely loaded, including shared libraries.
• At this time, it’s preferred to use internal CSS Style Sheets within the <HEAD> of your HTML code.
• Use CSS for animations where possible.
• To reduce file sizes, please consider using:
• HTML, JS & CSS code minifiers.
• Sprites, SVG or compressing images using ‘Save for Web’.
• Web fonts. Consider only loading the characters that the creative is using.

Backup ‘non-flash’ file (JPG or GIF) must accompany every ad.

# Rich Media must be served third party

Rich Media Guide

Rich media creatives are interactive, highly engaging ad formats, usually combining a number of technologies, such as HTML5, video etc. Typical rich media executions are full page adverts, expanding ads, video rectangles and transitional. Rich media creative may include click initiated sound, video and data-capture forms etc.

Please refer to our Terms & Conditions when booking your campaign with us.

Contact us

Reach out to us for further information regarding ad specifications