Parents with children at home
Meet the Taylors
Large suburban family.
They’re a big family; mum, dad, three kids, two dogs, one cat… what next? Probably an SUV, or a treehouse, or a trampoline; depending who you ask.
It takes a lot to feed such a big group and Mum is constantly on the alert for new supermarket bargains, she’s a promiscuous shopper but could be swayed by a good rewards program.
If the kids aren’t at school they’re in swimming lessons, or ballet, or football. Whatever the new hobby is they’ll need the latest kit.
Saturdays are a whirlwind of activity; kids birthday parties, orchestra recitals or visiting the grandparents. But somehow mum still finds time to meet up with her girlfriends for a glass of wine while dad watches the kids… in the intervals of the footy match. Sometimes he gets to watch the game live with his mates, stopping off at the TAB first for a quick flutter on the match beforehand.
When they bought their house they knew it was a fixer-upper. Dad spends the weekends renovating with his new power tools, or repairing his beloved ute. The only thing the Taylors need now is a domestic package holiday, they’re scanning their local paper for offers. Can you influence them?
"But Mum… Everyone else has one!"
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Don’t read metro newspapers
SOURCE: Roy Morgan Single Source, Apr 23 – Mar 24, P14+.
L2, 65 Gywnne StMelbourne
Vic 3121