Sport Fans
Participate in sport, watched live or on TV
Meet Greg
Loves the game.
He cant just watch his favourite sporting team, he needs the jersey, hat, scarf and a set of lungs worthy of screaming for hours at a time.
He is as significant a part of the spectacle as the action in the centre. He consumes sport content from different sources and keeps on top of what’s happening on his favourite sports. He might play sporadically, but tries to be across sports news and loves talking about all the codes with his mates.
Greg also enjoys taking his kids to games, those young fans that will continue his passion for sport. He enjoys the uncertainty of outcome, the hope and expectation, that makes sport events so eagerly awaited and watched.
"I’ve always been interested in sport from when I was a kid. I remember my dad taking me down to watch the local footy team."
Key Statistics
Total Audience
Print Audience
Digital Audience
Average household income
Read news last 7 days (print and/or digital)
Used internet last 7 days
Don’t read metro newspapers
SOURCE: Roy Morgan Single Source, Apr 23 – Mar 24, P14+.
L2, 65 Gywnne StMelbourne
Vic 3121