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Grocery Buyers

Usually buys groceries

Meet Donna

New ways of shopping.

For Donna grocery shopping looks very different these days. She shops multiple times during the week, and often duties are shared between family members.

Busy schedules means meals are often not planned in advance and top up shops are a regular thing.

Donna lives with her husband Tom and teenage children who are becoming more involved in the household shopping and cooking. Being time poor has opened up their world to buying groceries online. The children like to research new products to buy and as such the families shopping list has input from all members.

Donna and Tom love healthy, imaginative cooking, and thoroughly enjoy fresh produce, often planting their own.

"I've changed the way I shop and what I look for when getting groceries."

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Don’t read metro newspapers

SOURCE: Roy Morgan Single Source, Apr 23 – Mar 24, P14+.