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Pre Boomers

The traditionalist generation

Meet John and Carol

Both enjoying an active retirement.

John and Carol are both in their late 70s and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren, socialising with their peers and reading the local newspaper.

For these two, accessibility is key, from grocery choices (pre-prepared meals) to holidays (cruises) they are willing to pay a premium for the hassle free option.

They own their home and draw income from their savings and investment property along with a small pension. Combined with discounted basic living expenses thanks to their seniors cards, their income gives them a high level of discretionary spending,

"I use the local newspaper to keep up with the community and local businesses."

Key Statistics

Total Audience

Print Audience

Digital Audience



Average household income


Read news last 7 days (print and/or digital)


Used internet last 7 days


Don’t read metro newspapers

SOURCE: Roy Morgan Single Source, Apr 23 – Mar 24, P14+.