27th May 2021
This year’s Elders FarmFest will be the biggest in its 46-year history with record numbers.
This year’s Elders FarmFest will be the biggest in its 46-year history with record numbers of exhibitors and products set to pack the field days site west of Toowoomba.
The three-day event will provide a one-stop agricultural “shop” for more than 2000 businesses, organisations and authorities to show off their products and services.
Elders FarmFest is now Queensland’s biggest field day and Australia’s fastest growing agri-event. Adding to the excitement of FarmFest’s return after last year’s COVID cancellation is the widespread optimism in the rural sector generated by improved seasonal conditions and strong prices for most farm commodities.
ACM Agricultural Events Group Manager, Kate Nugent said “we are incredibly excited to be back in 2021 after the disappointment of missing the 2020 event. Obviously the world has changed and we’ll be operating under strict COVID safe protocols but we are confident the event will deliver an enjoyable and comfortable experience for exhibitors and visitors alike.”